Huom! Autodeskin uuden hankintamallin myötä lisenssihankinnat tehdään tarjouspyynnöllä. Ota meihin yhteyttä ja pyydä tarjous.
What is Flow Production Tracking?
Autodesk Flow Production Tracking (formerly ShotGrid) is an advanced production management and review tool.
- Bring creative visions to life, track deadlines, and manage budgets with powerful project tracking tools.
- Boost collaboration with media playback and review tools.
- Run productions your way with customizable workflows, application integrations, and an open ecosystem.
Why use Flow Production Tracking?
Set up, track, and schedule every step of your production with AI-powered capabilities.
Browse media, provide feedback, and better inform creative review decisions.
Boost studio productivity with integrations for all your creative apps.
What you can do with Flow Production Tracking
Supercharge your studio with powerful production tools
Collaborate in the cloud with Flow Production Tracking and RV
Flow Production Tracking sets the stage for Autodesk’s cloud-first evolution
- Track every step of your project, including shots and assets, through the pipeline.
- Remove business guesswork with reporting tools.
- Maximize resources with project planning and AI-powered scheduling capabilities.
- Receive updates with automatically tracked versions and note history.
- Give feedback and easily collaborate with in-context notes and powerful annotations.
- Bring context directly where needed with Flow Capture, Maya, 3ds Max, and Unreal Engine–enabled workflows.
Discover the vision for Autodesk Flow, the industry cloud for media and entertainment, and learn how Flow Production Tracking will create new, extended workflows for collaboration across the production lifecycle.
See Flow Production Tracking in action
Award-winning Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio uses ShadowMachine’s stunning stop motion with the help of Flow Production Tracking.
Untold Studios creates a pipeline in the cloud, streamlining across animation and visual effects projects.
Ghost VFX uses Flow Production Tracking to facilitate shot production on films like Troll and enable asset sharing.
Learn more about Flow Production Tracking
Improve your Flow Production Tracking knowledge and skillset with videos by industry professionals.
Learn about Flow Production Tracking’s basic capabilities and functionality in this introductory course.
Read about new features, fixes, APIs, and more.
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Yleistä Autodeskin tuotteista
- Useimmat tuotteet sisältävät uusimman ohjelmistoversion lisäksi myös viiden edellisen version käyttöoikeuden.
- Kaikki saatavilla olevat uudet lisenssit ovat vuokralisenssejä. Useimmat tuotteet ovat myös saatavilla satunnaiskäyttöön soveltuvan Autodesk Flex -palvelun kautta. Ks. lisätietoja.
- Voit jatkaa vuokrasopimustasi helposti täältä ennen sopimuksen päättymistä.
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